Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Never trust a shaved Lux...

Top 5 reasons why Red Blondehead hasn't been updated in 2 weeks

1. Traci and Leah were touring Europe with a famous band who shall remain unnamed and the wireless on their laptop was broken because the lead guitarist of said unnamed band decided he wanted to play a game of drunken hot potato with it. The next thing they hear is "Oopsie!" (Yes, lead guitarists can say "oopsie" and still look hot. Well, this one can.)

2. While at a recent show, Traci tripped over an amp (no doubt as a result of the tall high heels she always wears) and used Leah to break her fall. Both hit their heads and suffered from temporary amnesia. Confusion ensued. "Who am I? Who are you? What blog? We have a blog? But we just met!"

3. Lux (Leah's cat) was angry about getting her fur shaved so she deleted all the entries we posted during the past 2 weeks. She's secretly been plotting her revenge for weeks, waiting for the exact moment to strike.

4. Leah spent the past couple of weeks dealing with painting numerous rooms, packing boxes, moving into a new house, plus dealing with the in-laws. Traci spent her time finishing up her online portfolio, cleaning her house so out-of-town company could stay in a dust bunny-free home, scrubbing grout pointlessly because it still isn't white, lying on the couch blowing her nose and groaning from the misery of a cold that developed into a sinus infection, and starting a new job.

5. My dog ate it.

We'll leave you to decide which is true. Sorry we have been bad bloggers. So on to a couple of bands that I've been listening to lately.

First, Margot & The Nuclear So and So's. Since they are an 8-piece collective, I guess they thought they needed a mouthful of a band name. (They derived their name from the character Margot Tenenbaum and "Dr. Strangelove.") In 2004 they were joined together in holy bandimony in Indianapolis with singer/songwriter Richard Edwards officiating. With cellos and trumpets in addition to their guitars, their sound has been described as "sex-chamber-scarf-folk-pop-rock." To me they sound a bit like Matt Pond PA but with a more alt-country slant. When the last issue of Paste came out, I heard Margot & The Nuclear So and So's "Skeleton Key" on the sampler. It was one of my favorite songs on the CD so I made a note to look for more of their music online. I found their album The Dust of Retreat on emusic, but after downloading a few tracks I had used all my downloads for the month so I put the rest in my "saved for later" list. Unfortunately, now the album has become unavailable on the site. However, it can be found on itunes or at insound.

Margot & The Nuclear So and So's - Skeleton Key
Margot & The Nuclear So and So's - Barfight Revolution, Power Violence
Margot & The Nuclear So and So's - Vampires in Blue Dresses

There's a podcast of a live performance and interview with the band here.

I'm also listening to The Weepies' Say I Am You based on a recommendation from Brian, a friend with great music taste. Deb Talan and Steve Tannen form the group and they sing quiet, introspective pop/folk songs.

The Weepies - World Spins Madly On
The Weepies - Riga Girls


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet, I love The Weepies. Glad to see you ladies are back!

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stop listening to the M&TNSS's tracks. Thanks for that! Buying album now ...

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

margot is the bees knees. plus they're cool dudes all around. well, except for the girl. not that she's not cool, because she is, but she's not so much a dude. their album, as good as it is, PALES in comparison to them live. you have to see them live. they will quite literally knock your socks off. right off, i tell you!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Traci said...

we actually just saw them live last Saturday...we're still looking for our socks.

11:16 AM  

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